The Second International Workshop on Modern Cryptography and Security Engineering (co-located with the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security) aims to bring together researchers working in theoretical aspects of modern cryptography (including but not restricted to design and analysis of symmetric-key primitives and cryptosystems, block and stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms, efficient implementations and analysis of public-key cryptosystems, public-key signatures, threshold schemes) with professionals working on applied aspects of security engineering, particularly people involved in standardization and in industrial deployment of cryptography (encryption schemes for databases and related security, cryptography in wireless applications, hardware for cryptanalysis, digital signatures, FPGA and smart cards security). The main goal of the workshop is to strengthen the dialogue between these two groups, which is currently perceived to be weak. Ultimately, we aim to continue bridging the gap between what academic cryptographers believe should be the goals of cryptographic design and what is actually implemented in the real world. MoCrySEn intends to provide a better understanding of real-world cryptographic issues to the theoretical community, helping to inform their research and set new research challenges for the theoretical community and enable practitioners to develop a clearer view of the current state-of-the-art in cryptographic research and what it offers to practitioners.
Symmetric-key cryptography
Public-key cryptography
Secret-sharing cryptography
Algorithmic cryptanalysis
Database encryption
Public-key signatures
Software and hardware implementation of cryptographic algorithms
Hardware security
Cryptographic schemes for mobile devices
Interaction between cryptographic theory and implementation issues
Submission deadline: April 30th, 2013 NEW: Extended to May 5th, 2013
Author Notification: May 31st, 2013 NEW: June 5th, 2013
Author Registration: June 4th, 2013 NEW: June 12th, 2013
Proceedings Version: June 11th, 2013 NEW: June 21st, 2013
Conference: September 2nd-6th, 2013
As MoCrySEn is co-located with the ARES conference, anonymized submissions are required, in order to ensure a double blind review. In addition, submitted papers must conform to the “Springer LNCS Series” format and they must not exceed more than 12 pages, excluding well-marked appendices and bibliography.
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop with formally published proceedings. Accepted submissions may not appear in any other conference or workshop with proceedings. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition. Contact author must provide the following information at the ARES conference system: paper title, authors names, affiliations, postal address, phone, fax, and e-mail address of the author(s), about 200-250 word abstract, and about five keywords.
Submission of a paper implies that should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and present the paper in the workshop. For any questions, regarding the submission procedure please contact the workshop chairs.
NEW: MoCrySEn papers are to be submitted through the ARES conference system (named ConfDriver),
All accepted papers of the workshop will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) with IFIP logo (indexed by EI) joint with the proceedings of the CD-ARES conference. The proceedings will be available at the workshop.
NEW: At least one author of an accepted paper must register at the ARES 2013 site and present the paper at the workshop. The MoCrySEn 2013 workshop is held in conjunction with the ARES 2013 conference. Please refer to the conference registration system in order to register for the workshop.
NEW: The program of MoCrySEn 2013 with information regarding the scheduling of invited and contributed talks together with collocated social events is available online here.
Dimitris E. Simos (Chair)
INRIA, France
Nicolas Sendrier (Co-Chair)
INRIA, France
Edgar Weippl (Co-Chair)
SBA Research, Austria
Athanasios Angelakis, Leiden University, Netherlands, Universite Bordeaux 1, France
Paulo Barreto, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
Christina Boura, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Pierre-Louis Cayrel, Universite Jean Monnet, France
Matthieu Finiasz, CryptoExperts, France
Stefan Heyse, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Germany
Aleksandar Hudic, SBA Research, Austria
Peter Kieseberg, SBA Research, Austria
Christos Koukouvinos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Spyros Magliveras, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Ayoub Otmani, University of Rouen, France
Christiane Peters, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Ludovic Perret, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie 06 / INRIA, France
Maria Naya-Plasencia, INRIA, France
Jean-Pierre Tillich, INRIA, France
Zlatko Varbanov, Veliko Tarnovo University, Bulgaria
Amr Youssef, Concordia Institute for Information System Engineering, Canada